Ask service is currently accepting applications from academies and schools.Students can receive services only at the academy and school to which they have joined,The registration code that is asked when signing up is distributed by the organization.If you get stuck while studying, ask!If you use your smartphone to take a question you dont know anytime, anywhere, it will explain it in detail.Students (download the app)Take a picture of an unknown problem with a smartphone. End~~Send a notification text when the teacher answers.Teachers (download after applying to the administrator)Anytime, anywhere, the problem uploaded by the student is produced and transmitted.Notification text sent to the teacher that the question was registered.Contents that were not completed in class are simply produced and lectures are provided to students.Now, do not worry about the problems you do not know and solve by asking..Are you still learning by writing (image)? I learn by asking.. (this is the difference in skill)